The Department of Labor today proposed new regulations of the FMLA that would explain further the military family leave provisions and incorporate some special provisions for airline flight crews. 

The new proposed regulations are in response to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 which amended the FMLA to extend the military caregiver

The Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO) has released proposed new regulations that would require state agencies and the like to create an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan.

These regulations would not apply to private employers so many of you can dispense with the worrying.

The proposed regulations will replace the current ones. The

As expected, the United States Department of Labor today released its proposed changes to the companionship and live-in worker regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act.  What was unknown was how significant the proposed changes would be.

The short answer: Pretty significant.  The regulations substantially limit the companionship exemption under wage & hour laws to

The Connecticut General Assembly is in full swing with a wide assortment of labor & employment law bills and concepts being introduced this month — many simply a rehash of bills that were introduced last year and never went anywhere.   You can find a full list of the bills before the Labor & Public Employees