At yesterday’s labor & employment law seminar, we had both Heidi Lane, a Prinicipal Attorney with the Connecticut Department of Labor, and Jonathan Kreisberg, Regional Director of the NLRB’s Hartford Office, speak to attendees about the latest developments under both Connecticut and federal law.

But for those who couldn’t make it, here

Last week the Connecticut Bar Association’s Labor & Employment Law Committee held an informational breakfast with the NLRB to discuss the NLRB’s proposal to make Hartford (Region 34), a subregion of the Boston office (Region 1). 

Nick Zaino, the CBA Committee chair, forwarded these highlights as to why the consolidation is very likely going to

The Hartford Office of the National Labor Relations Board has a message for employers: There are new posting requirements coming and nearly all employers — not just those who are unionized — need to be aware of them.

Why? Because they are effective in just six weeks: January 31, 2012.

Here are some highlights for

Last year, I published a series of posts about the Connecticut Bar Association’s breakfast with NLRB Region 34 Director Jonathan Kreisberg.

Kreisberg repeated that breakfast earlier this week. Although I was unable to personally attend, breakfast organizer Nicole Bernabo was kind enough to recap the event and agreed to share her recollections for the

The news came late Monday: The NLRB’s case against an employer for allegedly firing an employee due to a Facebook post had settled.  The background of that case can be found in one of my November 2010 posts.  The case name is: American Medical Response of Connecticut, Inc., 34-CA-12576.

The terms of the settlement were not

UPDATED 2/7/11 – The case settled today. See this update.  

In an unprecedented case, the NLRB is pushing all in over the battle on social media. And its press release today leaves little doubt where it is placing its chips — strongly in the employee’s favor.

I had heard about this case a few weeks

In posts earlier this week, I’ve discussed what the NLRB’s Connecticut Office is doing and what to expect for 2010. 

But as I continue to recap the breakfast I attended earlier in the week with NLRB (Region 34) Regional Director Jonathan Kreisberg, of particular importance to employers was the discussion about what issues the

As I indicated in my post yesterday, the bar-related breakfast with NLRB Region 34 office was a big success. 

In the presentation and discussion, Regional Director Jonathan Kreisberg made a few predictions and observations about what 2010 would bring.

  1. Kreisberg noted that the NLRB was going to be using press releases to a far greater

The Connecticut Bar Association’s Labor & Employment Section sponsored an informal breakfast with NLRB (Region 34) Regional Director Jonathan Kreisberg earlier today to talk about various issues in the labor arena. (Also in attendance were John Cotter, Deputy Regional Director and Terri Craig, Supervisory Attorney). 

It was a terrific session with lots of substantive and