One month to go in the legislative session. So there are lots of bills that are technically “under consideration”.

But let’s face it: Only a small portion of them will receive enough votes to pass the legislature. With a filibuster in play, only those bills that can garner some bi-partisan support are likely to be

2021 was a pretty busy year when it came to new labor & employment laws for employers in Connecticut.

Even though the legislative session is a “short” session, that doesn’t mean 2022 will be quiet. Indeed, several notable bills are already under consideration by the General Assembly with a hearing scheduled on several bills for

The Connecticut General Assembly is already busy with a full compliment of employment law bills under consideration.  At this point, it seems likely that several will pass in one form or another and thus employers should be playing close attention to the developments.

Here are a few of the Senate ones that I’m watching (

calendar1Over the last few weeks, I’ve heard lots of grumbling about the employment law proposals being floated at the Connecticut General Assembly.  But it wasn’t until recently, that I understood how serious one proposal is.

Last week, proponents of House Bill 6933 held a press conference to have the legislature pass a measure requiring employers