One of the items I talk about in a sexual harassment prevention training is that people’s perception of what sexual harassment is, may differ from how a court defines it.

Suppose I told you that the owner of a small company that you worked at and reported to made inappropriate comments in discussing the size

We are still “a few weeks” away from the time when Connecticut starts to relax the “Stay Safe. Stay Home” requirements.  (Officially, the rules are set to expire on May 20, 2020 and Governor Lamont has indicated that some businesses will reopen then.) But, beyond the recommendations of the Reopen Connecticut Advisory Board, which

Let’s face it: Trying to keep up with all the pandemic-related employment rules released by the state only to see them modified again and again, is challenging to say the least.

And yet, the Safe Workplace Rules for Essential Employers have been modified yet again Tuesday night by the Department of Economic and Community Development,

Updated April 23, 2020 to reflect new EEOC guidance.

It seems clear now that we are far from the end to this pandemic. But, just as clearly, we are now reaching the end of the beginning of this pandemic.

We’ve been staying at home for several weeks and some other states are already considering loosening

Governor Lamont late Friday issued new Executive Order 7BB, making it mandatory that everyone wear a mask or cloth face-covering in any public place where he or she is unable to maintain a safe social distance of at least six feet.

The EO goes into effect on Monday, April 20th at 8 p.m. and

Just another day in employment law. Wednesday afternoon, the Department of Labor issued new regulations that further expand what was previously known about the paid leave provisions of the EPSLA and the EFMLEA.

You can view the regulations here.    They go into effect immediately.

The regulations are lengthy and we’ll have a full recap on

As I was saying about some days… Wednesday merits TWO posts.

To paraphrase a popular quote: There are years when nothing happens and there are days (and weeks) when years happen.

The nonstop barrage of news, orders, and other materials continues making updating a blog on the subject feel hopelessly out of date the moment you click “Publish”.

So rather than any lofty posts this

Late Sunday evening, a new Executive Order and new DECD guidance were both released clarifying the “Stay at Home. Stay Safe” rule that goes into effect Monday at 8 p.m.

Executive Order 7J amends the Friday order in two important ways:

  1. It permits non-essential retailers to be staffed on site, provided that they may only

Wednesday was supposed to be the first day of vacation for me and my family in Florida.

Instead, I spent it at home helping clients run from one crisis to another.

It’s pretty amazing how quickly all of our lives have changed so dramatically.

Also amazing: Congress passed major legislation on leave related to COVID-19.