On November 1 at 9 a.m., I’ll be making a return appearance to WNPR’s award-winning Where We Live show.  You can listen live or download it as a podcast.

Tomorrow’s topic is one that we never would’ve dreamed of years ago — Long COVID.

Long COVID is the term that the CDC uses to

Sometimes it’s hard to appreciate how things have changed since the pandemic hit and the challenges we face going forward.

I was thinking about all those little things over the weekend when I put pocket change in my little “change jar” that I keep in my bedroom.

You see, prior to the pandemic, at the

If you look at the state Department of Labor website, you’ll find a notation about “proposed amended FMLA regulations” that have not yet been put into place. It adds “approval pending”.

As the modern saying goes: Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet.

In fact, last month – as I previewed in

A while back, my colleagues and I talked about new final proposed regulations implementing the revised CTFMLA law.

Turns out that “final” doesn’t actually mean FINAL.

On June 28, 2022, the Legislation Regulation Review Committee (LRCC) rejected the so-called “final” regulation without prejudice and asked that a number of corrections be made to the regulations.

For months, employers have been eagerly awaiting updated regulations that address the revisions to the Connecticut Family and Medical Leave Act.

At last, on March 22, 2022, the Connecticut Department of Labor (“CT DOL”) released its final proposed amended CTFMLA regulations, answering questions that had remained unanswered by the revised law.

Indeed, the proposed regulations

It had been far too long since I last caught up with Nina Pirrotti, who represents employees and whom I’ve had a continuing “Dialogue” on employment law issues for several years now. In fact, last time we spoke for the blog, it was exactly one year ago when we were full of optimism over the

2021 was a pretty busy year when it came to new labor & employment laws for employers in Connecticut.

Even though the legislative session is a “short” session, that doesn’t mean 2022 will be quiet. Indeed, several notable bills are already under consideration by the General Assembly with a hearing scheduled on several bills for

Way back in January 2021, I set forth my predictions for the year as I’ve done several times before.

But this line sticks out:

[H]ere’s hoping that 2021 brings some renewed hope and optimism. It’s going to be a tough stretch but I’m hoping that we may be closer to the end of this pandemic