With Paid Sick Leave coming to Connecticut on January 1, 2025, the CTDOL (and, ahem, some lawyers) have been fielding lots of questions from employers and employees about the new law.

As a result, the department has decided to issue two sets of documents that should be of significant help to employers (and their

Let me preface what I’m about to say with a huge caveat: I’ve seen no empirical studies or surveys of employers to determine whether or not they are complying with the updated Connecticut FMLA law.

But having gotten that out of the way, I remain concerned that there are a ton of small employers out

When I got my first Macintosh computer in college, I was fascinated by little soundbites that you could add and play.

One of my favorites was a clip from the movie “2001” where Hal, the seemingly sentient space computer, says to an astronaut: “I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that” in response to

You may recall that President Trump issued a memorandum earlier in August 2020 directing the Treasury Secretary to defer the withholding, despite and payment of the employee portion of social security tax for certain employees.

On Friday, the Secretary released a new notice on that point; however, as my colleagues explain in a new post

Employers that have been receiving loans under the Paycheck Protection Program from the CARES Act have a lot to think about to make sure that the loan is forgiven.

One key aspect is that the borrower/employer must spend 75 percent of the loan proceeds on payroll.

That becomes challenging when employees have been furloughed or