The pandemic is over, says the WHO. What happens now? For employers, it’s a return to business as usual. Whatever that means today.
Continue Reading The End of the Pandemic – An Employer’s Guide
State of the Pandemic: Moving On, Even If Variants Won’t Let Us
For a few moments over the weekend, it felt entirely like a normal July 4th holiday. Going to a picnic. Watching fireworks. Grilling burgers and hot dogs. And for me, losing a few golf balls out on the course.
And yet.
In Connecticut, reported cases of COVID are now up 50 percent in the last…
New Year, Same Employment Law Issues with Pandemic
Way back in January 2021, I set forth my predictions for the year as I’ve done several times before.
But this line sticks out:
[H]ere’s hoping that 2021 brings some renewed hope and optimism. It’s going to be a tough stretch but I’m hoping that we may be closer to the end of this pandemic
BREAKING: The OSHA Vax-or-Test Rule is Back On – What Tri-State Employers Should Know
Late Friday night, the Sixth Circuit lifted the nationwide stay on the OSHA so-called “vax-or-text” rule.
For employers, the “why” the stay was lifted is less important than the “here’s what it means”.
And the short answer to that is that implementation of the rule will begin immediately (again). Of course, there’s still an appeal…
Federal Vaccine Mandates on Hold as Court (and Pandemic) Battles Rage
Over the last two weeks or so, several federal courts have issued nationwide injunctions prohibiting the U.S. government from going forward with mandatory vaccination (or vax and test) rules that have been implemented.
First, it was the Fifth Circuit that stayed the OSHA “Vax or Test” ETS. That case and others around the country have…
Should Companies That Mandate Vaccinations Now Require Boosters?
Put aside, for the moment, fears of the omicron variant. We just don’t know enough about it even though Connecticut had its first case announced this weekend.
And put aside, for the moment, the new mandate in New York City that is requiring all employers to require proof of vaccination for employees.
Rather, I…
A Thanksgiving Post – Looking Back and Looking Ahead
Thanksgiving evokes different emotions in people.
For some, it’s their favorite holiday. A time to get together with friends and family and celebrate all that life has to offer.
For others, it’s not as sweet. It can serve as a bitter reminder of all that has been lost in the past year, perhaps a job…
Court Stays OSHA ETS, But We Know All Too Well It’s Not the Last Word
Last week, I deleted the Twitter app off my iPhone as a bit of an experiment. I’ve done this a few times before — but the start of the pandemic back in early 2020 had me going full on Twitter since then. After all, if it’s important, it’s on Twitter, right?
Well, not exactly. In fact, when I was sick for a few days, I kept turning to Twitter and finding…not much that merited the visit to the app — just boredom. (Never fear though, I can still access it on my computer browser.) Nevertheless, I wondered how much I’d miss if I just took it of my phone.
The first real answer came on Friday when news came of the Fifth Circuit’s beatdown decision to stay enforcement of the OSHA vax or test Emergency Temporary Standard. Turns out you can hear about it the same time as others even without being on Twitter.
But what happened next was interesting for me — nothing. Without being on Twitter, I missed the immediate reactions, overreactions, snark, and, sure, some actual insights.
And that’s ok.
We are entering a time during this pandemic when the changes are happening more incrementally and slowly. Perhaps we are headed for a modest 5th wave here, for example. That might require employers to adjust on the fly again. But speed isn’t everything right now.
Thus, with the luxury of a few more days to ponder and think, where are we now on the OSHA rule?
Continue Reading Court Stays OSHA ETS, But We Know All Too Well It’s Not the Last Word
Musings on the (Now Stayed) New OSHA Federal Vaccination or Test Rule
Being sick over the last week brought me a lot of unexpected “gifts”. Sure, there were the forced afternoon naps (oh, who’s kidding, even a morning nap too) . The watching of “The Price is Right” at least once (or was it twice?). The early start of a post-pandemic diet.
But also the “gift” of…
Three Things to Know About Mandatory Vaccination Policies Today
Over the weekend, I was joking with a friend that we’ve seen more changes in employment law in the last 18 months than the last 18 years.
That’s an exaggeration of course. But it certainly does feel like there’s been a lot of changes. Sometimes it’s hard to catch up. So rather than a long…