It’s late March, which means that it’s too soon to predict which bills at the Connecticut General Assembly are going to have enough support for final passage, but not too soon to take a look at what is on the table.

By “on the table”, I mean bills that have been voted out of the

Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to speak to the HR Compliance Conference in San Francisco about legal issues related to hiring. 

California’s New Password Law

In some ways, everything old is new again on this topic.  Issues like the Fair Credit Reporting Act, or the EEOC’s guidance on

Word came down late yesterday about an important case for employers that have California-based employees. 

The case, Brinker Restaurant Corp. v. Hohnbaum, is the first California appellate case to rule on the parameters of employers’ duties under California laws requiring rest and meal periods.  The California Workforce Resource Blog has the details, as does the