I’ve been writing this blog for so long that at the time I started, podcasts weren’t really a thing. (Neither were law blogs, but that’s a different post.)

Last year, my colleague Gabe Jiran hosted a season of From Lawyer to Employer — a new podcast at my firm, Shipman & Goodwin. The first season

Back in May, I talked about “The New Digital Campaign for Your Company’s Workers” which challenged readers to gauge their familiarity with TikTok trends and which tried to highlight how unions are using newer social media platforms for their campaigns.

Recently, I had the opportunity to talk with the ProjectHR podcast about this very topic. 

Love is in the air. And in the workplace too.

But office romances have hit a 10-year-low, at least according to a new survey from CareerBuilder.com.  

Lest you think that office romances are rare – the survey showed that 36 percent of those surveyed had an office romance! Wow.

Perhaps even more surprisingly, a good

With summer fast approaching, summer internships will start picking up their pace as well.

Fortunately, there are a lot of great resources for employers to learn about how to do internships without violate the law.  I’ll be discussing the legal side of internships on The Proactive Employer podcast that will be broadcast live this Thursday

A few odds and ends to start the day:

  • Last Friday, I appeared on the 100th installment of The Proactive Employer podcast— a podcast devoted to covering various employment law developments.  The podcast is hosted by Stephanie Thomas, who covers statistical and economic consulting for employers in he

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